The VERY first step in workplace gathering planning

In planning gatherings, it is natural to jump to the what of what will happen during the conference/off-site/training/etc. I believe that the most impactful place to begin is with the why. As you will quickly learn, one of my biggest inspirations in the gathering space is Priya Parker, author of The Art of Gathering. As Priya shares, “forcing yourself to think about your gathering as stand-taking helps you get clear on its unique purpose.” Being clear on the why serves as a guide for the what (as Priya also shares, “make purpose your bouncer. Let it decide what goes into your gathering and what stays out”).

For example, a few weeks ago, I was facilitating a lunch and learn about facilitating gatherings (very meta!) and identified the purpose as modeling and sharing facilitation tips in an effort to improve our collective gathering ecosystem.

Next, align on goals and outcomes. To distinguish between the two, I think of goals as what happens DURING the gathering and outcomes as what happens as a RESULT of the gathering.

Back to my lunch and learn example:

Session goal = create transformative gathering space for attendees to experience “live.”

Outcome = attendees incorporate learnings that resonate into future gatherings.

If you’ll indulge me in double-clicking on intended outcomes, I leverage a simple framework I learned from a colleague (thanks, Jennifer Pitts!) to map out what you want attendees to think, feel, and do as a result of the gathering.

For the  lunch and learn example, as a result of the lunch and learn, I wanted attendees to:

  • Think: Wow, I’ve never thought of that before!

  • Feel: Empowered to action.

  • Do: Incorporate at least one of the tips into the next gathering they facilitate.

When you’re clear on the purpose, goals and intended outcomes, keep them front and center as your north stars in planning. If something you want to include is not in alignment with your purpose, goals or outcomes, it becomes much easier to remove and fully focus on what is in alignment.

What resonates? What do you do at the start of gathering planning to maximize impact?

Want to chat more about an upcoming gathering you’re planning? I’d love to! Feel free to find time on my calendly.\


The beauty of the gathering pop-up rule